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Tid och plats
06 jan. 2024 10:00 – 11:30
Sitges, Carrer de Jaume Figueras i Dobal, 16, 08870 Sitges, Barcelona, Spain
Om evenemanget
Does your dog hunt when you dont want it to? Does your dog stop listening to you if it sees a cat or any other animal? Does your dog hunt animals, cars, bikes,skateboards, or maybe something else?
Or do you wish to work proactive in your training to avoid future hunting problems?
We will focus on changing the emotions and build a communication. We work with recall signal and practice on breaking off the dog in time before it runs off to hunt.
Since hunt is extremely self rewarding we will also talk about what rewards we can use .
We mix theory with practice.
3 classes x 1,5 hour
13 Jan 10:00
20 Jan 10:00
27 Jan 10:00
Price: 80 Euro
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